Awaken_Ethan Drake Chronicles Read online

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  The wall behind that was filled with gleaming cabinets that housed various home goods. Beyond the wall, a white table with three matching chairs on either side and a small blue vase with white flowers. It sat six and Ethan wondered to himself, who on earth he would invite for dinner?

  As he walked farther into the apartment, he realized everything he was seeing was his. He lived there and that notion caused him to smile. They stopped in the living room next to an ivory leather couch and a shaggy vanilla rug. The entire outer wall of the dwelling was one big window overlooking the vast city. He could definitely get used to this.

  “I’ll meet you downstairs in fifteen minutes. Be sure to change into your new clothes. They’re all in your closet,” Hendrick explained, pointing to the bedroom.

  Hendrick turned around and walked out of the apartment leaving Ethan to stand there for a moment, gawking at everything before heading into the bedroom. It was easy to find since the wall between the rooms was glass. It made Ethan somewhat uncomfortable but he relaxed when he touched the clear wall and it frosted over instantly, giving him privacy. He touched it again and the wall went back to clear. Cool.

  The bedroom was his favorite part of the new house. The bed was sunken into a white platform that illuminated from underneath. It was dressed in blue with numerous pillows and bedding. Other than the sheets, everything else in the room was white including the walls and floor. A huge computer screen displayed on the wall directly across from the bed, above a sleek desk. This room also had a floor to ceiling window with an equally impressive view.

  He turned to his right and saw the closet. Walking in, he marveled at the rows of neatly appointed shirts, shoes and pants. He had jackets, sweaters and dress shirts in various shades of blue, grey and black. All of it color coded and housed in white glossy drawers and hangers.

  Ethan chose black synthetic leather pants and a heather grey sweater with buttons going down the left sleeve and finger holes for each thumb. To top off the ensemble, he grabbed a short dark grey wool jacket with a high collar that zipped up on the right side. He took his old clothes and tossed them in the back corner of the closet.

  That was the old Ethan. He glanced at himself in the full-length mirror and approved of his appearance. New Ethan looked great. He reached into his bag and pulled out his pendant, slipping it over his head and under his sweater. He decided that it would be his good luck charm at his new job. He dropped the knapsack in the corner and hurried to meet Hendrick.

  As soon as he reached the first floor, he saw Hendrick waiting for him off to the side. He guessed from Hendrick’s smile that he too approved of Ethan’s new appearance.

  “I’m taking you to the North building where you’ll be meeting your new boss Godrik. He’s a genius. A little strange, but a genius,” the mentor explained.

  They walked to the train station, weaving in and out of the never-ending barrage of people. The short ride brought them to the North building. Once inside, Ethan marveled at the open-air design of the lobby. Sunlight streamed through from every direction, illuminating a massive ivory sculpture that rose several stories. It towered over them, twisting and contorting up to the sky and then back down like a ferocious river. Ethan was entranced by its simplicity. If possible, the North building was taller and more impressive than the West building.

  He followed Hendrick to a security station where Ethan was told to stand with his hands up while a laser scanned his entire body, replicating it on a computer screen attached to the wall. He had never done anything like that before but he knew better than to ask about it. The Technology Sector was known for its high security measures.

  “You can put your hands down now,” one of the guards stated. He was bored; a man in his thirties with scraggly hair hiding underneath an untidy black cap. Ethan wondered if that was all the man did, day in and day out. What a sad existence indeed.

  Ethan waited for Hendrick who motioned for him to follow. They took another elevator though this one was destined for the 33rd floor. When the doors dinged open, they walked out and Ethan was immediately surrounded by people. They were everywhere and all appeared to have a purpose.

  Some were dressed like Ethan in sleek shirts and form fitting pants, while others had white lab coats on. He followed Hendrick down a long hallway that had large laboratories on either side. The walls were made of glass but since Ethan saw a few that were frosted, he assumed it was the same technology from his apartment.

  The ceiling was roughly twenty feet above him and when he looked up he saw black duct work and piping all heading in the same direction. The building didn’t seem that big from the outside but he had to have been walking the longest hallway he had ever encountered.

  After what seemed like forever, they reached their destination and stopped in front of a large white door. As if on cue, it slid open and Hendrick motioned for Ethan to enter.

  “Hello Ethan, I’m Godrik Stevens,” an older man greeted as he stood up from his desk. He walked over to the boy and held his hand out. Ethan shook it, noticing the man’s firm grip.

  “Please have a seat,” he offered. Ethan sat down and waited while his new boss spoke to Hendrick outside. He gazed around the office at the various shelves and cabinets, noting that most could only be opened with a key. That was odd, he thought.

  Keys were something Ethan had heard of but had never actually seen. They simply weren’t needed anymore. Why didn’t the doctor use the mark on his wrist like everyone else?

  Other than that, the office was filled with lab equipment, beakers, charts, graphs and sophisticated computers. He took a deep breath and caught a sterile chemical stench that made his nose twitch.

  Finally, the doctor sat in front of Ethan and smiled at him. He was nearly sixty with greying hair and a scruffy beard that he scratched often. Why not shave it?

  “I’m so excited to meet you.” The doctor’s voice was saturated with enthusiasm. Ethan appeared confused but nodded his head anyway. Excited wasn’t exactly what he was expecting. Hesitant, awkward trepidation perhaps, but not excitement.

  “It’s nice to meet you too,” he replied. There was a long pause prompting Ethan to speak first.

  “So, what type of Technology will I be working on? Machinery, Robotics or maybe Engineering?”

  Godrik shook his head as Ethan spoke. “No. No. None of that. You will be helping me on a special project,” he explained. Ethan’s eyes widened. What on earth could he be talking about?

  “Special pro-project?” Ethan stuttered. The doctor smiled and stood up. “Yes, but we can discuss that later. First let me take you on a tour.”

  Ethan stood up as well and they both ventured back out into the expansive corridor. Godrik walked significantly faster than Hendrick making it difficult for Ethan to keep up. As they marched, everyone greeted them like they knew he was somehow important. He thought it was strange but after years of being ignored in school, it felt nice.

  A few minutes later they reached a series of hallways that read ‘Level 1 Access Only.’ Dr. Stevens swiped his wrist and entered each hall easily. The place was quite the labyrinth of corridors, hallways and doors. Ethan knew he was going to get lost.

  Finally, they reached large double doors that read ‘Grain Harvesting Technologies.’ Ethan frowned as the doors slid open. Grain harvesting? This was his special project?

  “Level 1 handles all the food production in the entire city.”

  Ethan followed the doctor inside and quickly took in his surroundings. There was generic equipment in the middle of the room alongside some desks and smaller computers. It certainly didn’t feel as sophisticated as the doctor’s office but Ethan knew he had to start somewhere.

  The walls were covered with large glass structures that housed different kinds of grains. They were not yet harvested, so each grain stood tall in its natural habitat with dirt covering the bottom of the glass case. It was like something from a long time ago. Ethan paused at the thought. He shook his head and strolled along the
room, taking note of all the samples.

  He saw millet, wheat germ, oats, barley, flax seed and many others, all neatly tucked into their own individual display case. He never realized how many grains the city utilized. It wasn’t his first choice in jobs but at least he would be learning something new. Well, that’s what he told himself.

  “And this is where the magic happens, as they say!” Godrik exclaimed. The doctor was pointing to a large computer screen that took up the entire back wall.

  “Who says that?” Ethan frowned, utterly confused. Godrik scratched the back of his neck as he shrugged. “No one, I guess.”

  He glanced at Ethan and noticed the disappointment on his face.

  “Just so you know, we’ll be working in here for the first few weeks. Once I’ve seen that you have a grasp on the material we can move on to the special project okay?”

  Ethan couldn’t help but smile at the new information. So, this wasn’t the special project? He tried to hide the relief from his features but failed miserably. Godrik noticed immediately. “Everyone thinks that grain harvesting is boring but we all need to start somewhere.”

  “Oh, I didn’t mean… It’s not boring… I,” Ethan stammered. Godrik chuckled at the boy. “It’s alright Ethan. Trust me, it is boring but it’s useful information.”

  Ethan smiled back and soon the pair got to work. Ethan’s first task was to distinguish the various features that made each grain unique. He had to study, dissect and present his findings to Dr. Stevens. If he was pleased with the results, they would move on to more difficult work.

  Dr. Stevens was right; grain harvesting was boring work but he did at least attempt to make it somewhat entertaining. The first week flew by and Ethan found himself enjoying his work, something he didn’t think would happen. Somehow, Godrik managed to make something as mundane as seed germination magically transform into theater. It was like he was professing his love for the little grains. The way he spoke about his work showed his true passion for science and that only caused Ethan to want to learn more.

  “You really love all this, huh?” Ethan asked, motioning to the room in general. “Of course, why? Don’t you?” the doctor replied with a smirk. Ethan laughed. “I’m getting there.”

  He was busy crafting his report when someone approached their lab, knocking once and then stepping inside. “Godrik, a word please.” The man who spoke was tall and lanky but professional in his demeanor. He was older, though not quite as old as Godrik, handsome, clean-shaven, with fair skin and grey eyes. Ethan realized he must be from the Commissioner’s office, if his luxurious outfit was anything to go by. His suspicion was confirmed when he saw the official seal on the man’s coat. He motioned for the doctor to follow him outside, leaving Ethan to his work.

  A few moments later, his eyes shot up when he heard a sneer come from the door. Ethan saw none other than Tyler Hanes standing there, smugness radiating off him like cheap cologne. Ethan went back to his report, ignoring the boy in the hopes that he would go away. Naturally, Tyler did the opposite and stalked further inside the lab. He stopped short of Ethan’s desk, arms crossed over his chest.

  “Grain harvesting? I was sort of hoping they would put you in civil maintenance, you know, emptying the garbage, but this-”, he motioned around the lab, “this is even better!” Sarcasm dripped from every word, slicing through the boy.

  Ethan kept his head down, refusing to stare Tyler in the eye. He felt his jaw tighten and his fist clench as he took a deep breath to calm himself. The last thing he wanted was to give Tyler the satisfaction of knowing how much he affected him.

  Tyler leaned down, close to Ethan’s ear and whispered, “It’s not like you could do better than me anyway… freak.” Tyler stood back up and went to the door. “If you need me, I’ll be doing important work at the Commissioner’s office.”

  Ethan exhaled deeply as soon as Tyler left. He shouldn’t be surprised; Tyler had been harassing him as far back as he could remember, but now that they were working in the same Sector, he feared the bullying would only worsen. He never understood why Tyler was so hateful toward him but he realized there wasn’t much he could do about it; after all, they were only words. He decided to get back to work and not waste another breath on Tyler Hanes. He had more important things to worry about.

  Eventually his days became a routine. He and Godrik would meet outside of the doctor’s office and then walk toward the level 1 laboratories. Ethan would have to work on the particular complexities of a certain grain and then Godrik would quiz him on it. In general, Ethan was not only doing well, but excelling. He was quite proud of himself. All those sleepless hours spent in anticipation for failure were for naught.

  At the end of the third week, Godrik announced their next challenge. “Ethan, I think you’ve done a really great job these past few weeks.” The boy beamed at the compliment. “I feel like you’re ready to help me with my special project.”

  He couldn’t wipe the grin off his face if he tried. After weeks of remedial lab work, he would finally find out what the big special project was. He could only hope for something more exciting than wheat. “Seriously? That sounds great Godrik!” The scientist smiled and nodded his head. “C’mon, follow me.”

  Ethan stood and followed closely behind the older man. They strode out into the busy corridor and made their way past a few security doors. They were somewhere restrictive, Ethan realized, as they stepped through yet another guarded area.

  When they stopped in front of a single door elevator, Ethan glanced at Godrik with a confused expression. The doctor simply grinned and flicked his wrist at the sensor. The door slid opened and the pair stepped inside. Though Ethan felt like he could trust Dr. Stevens, their long and cryptic journey was making him a bit apprehensive. He had no idea where they were going and judging from their current location deep within the facility, they were somewhere only few people were allowed.

  He got even more nervous when the elevator asked for the doctor’s hand print. Godrik placed his hand on a wall mounted screen and kept it there until it was fully scanned. At that point, the elevator was activated and they began their descent. By now, Ethan’s stomach was in nervous knots. He remained silent throughout the trip, only making eye contact every now and then.

  The elevator began to slow down, signaling the end of their voyage, landing them on a floor labeled UG5. That could only mean one thing; they were underground. Ethan braced himself for what might be on the other side of those doors but nothing prepared him for what he saw.


  D aventry was not a huge metropolis though it did house about ten thousand citizens. It was also home to some impressive structural and architectural feats. The Technology buildings alone were a sight to see, standing taller than any other structure in the city. They were also responsible for running the city’s computer systems as well as developing the ongoing advances in software and engineering.

  As important as the Technology Sector was however, the city still needed the help of the other Sectors to maintain a functioning society. Naturally one of the most important was the Agricultural Sector which was responsible for feeding the entire population. They used the latest advances in genetic modification to harvest crops from soy and grains to various fruits and vegetables.

  They even created farming facilities where genetically modified fish and other sea life were harvested. Trout, salmon and walleye were the current fish of choice. Each species had its own indoor man-made lake where everything was controlled from the chemicals inside the water to the temperature of the surrounding soil. Conditions had to be perfect to yield the highest percentage.

  After the plagues of the 21st century left the country’s land ravaged and barren, those left alive had to scavenge for appropriate means of food. Most animals died making protein a heavily studied area for genetic modification. They did what they could with the few sources they had, mostly fish and other sea life. Cows, pigs and other mammals were long gone. The few grain crops that d
id survive, eventually became the pet project of geneticists who were able to manipulate the structures of the seeds and clone them, resulting in sustainable robust crops.

  For the last two hundred years, fellow scientists had been going further each time, not only strengthening the crops but enhancing them to the point of perfection. The current facilities could predict the exact number of tomatoes that a bush would yield or the total number of pounds of grain that a field could produce. They were that good.

  Because of their success within the Agricultural Sector, leaders of the city began toying with the idea of enhancing their citizens as well. Since it was a plague that killed off so many humans, it seemed only rational that the leaders of that time would want the healthiest population possible.

  A little over a hundred years ago, those before Dr. Stevens had developed a series of supplements for the citizens to ingest in their daily meals resulting in a healthier, longer living population. This enhancement technology was also something Godrik was working on.

  Ethan was now learning all of that as Dr. Stevens explained his special project. As it turned out, Godrik’s area of expertise was in genetics making him the head of the genetics research department. It was his job to make sure the modified foods were fit for human consumption while also developing ways to improve both current foods and new ones. His office on the 33rd floor was mainly for show since what he did for a living was not something they wanted everyone to know about.

  The underground facilities were restricted to those with the highest clearance. Down there, everyone worked in a hushed, secretive manner, keeping the lab walls frosted over and the doors locked. The atmosphere itself was more tense and serious than the above ground floors. Ethan, who was already easily intimidated, fought hard against the nervous knots in his stomach. He felt like every eye was on him and they all knew he didn’t belong there. Godrik did his best to act nonchalantly about it but that did little to calm Ethan’s nerves.