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Awaken_Ethan Drake Chronicles Page 5
Awaken_Ethan Drake Chronicles Read online
Page 5
“Weird,” Ethan replied. He watched as Hadley leaned in closer.
“You want to know the really, really weird part?” Ethan nodded his head and listened intently. “I checked the night camera systems. The trains weren’t running on the city platforms. That means there must be hidden tracks somewhere. It’s the only explanation, right? Maybe I’ve stumbled on to something?”
Ethan’s interest was somewhat piqued. Hidden tracks for the trains? Leading where exactly? Was there a part of the city that they were not yet aware of? Suddenly, Ethan thought of the underground laboratories and wondered what else was hidden from the public’s view.
“But how did you know the trains were running if you didn’t see them?” Hadley grinned. “The mileage. I was sorting through some paperwork on the trains when I noticed a huge gap between the mileage reported in the evening and the mileage reported in the morning.”
She leaned close and whispered, “If the trains didn’t run overnight then the number should be the same from the evening report to the morning one. But after comparing the mileage logs, I’ve concluded that the trains travel hundreds of miles at night but no one seems to know where they go.”
Ethan thought it was odd but didn’t ask her any further questions about it. Apparently, Hadley had already moved on from the topic but that didn’t stop Ethan from enjoying his time with her. She was coming out of her shell and Ethan could appreciate the distraction even if it was only for a short time.
“Watch it!”
Ethan and Hadley turned to see the commotion taking place a few tables over. “I’m sorry,” said a young man as he wiped furiously at a spill on the table. Obviously, whatever happened had been an accident but that didn’t stop Tyler from castigating the poor kid.
“Look at my shirt! This isn’t going to come out!” Tyler yelled. The young man curled into himself.
“Hey,” Ethan said loudly. Tyler stood up, knocking over his chair in the process. The angry boy sneered in their direction causing Hadley to drop her stare but Ethan held it. They were not in school anymore and somehow that alone afforded Ethan a bit of courage, though he had no idea where it was coming from. After years of being tormented for merely existing, he had reached his limit. So, when Tyler scowled at him, Ethan stared right back. Tyler was about to say something to him when an older man appeared and led him away. Ethan shook his head dismissively. Some people would never learn.
After their brief interruption, the pair agreed to try and meet up for lunch at least once or twice a week. Ethan would be lying if he said it wasn’t nice to talk to someone his age who didn’t seem to be hiding something like everyone else was. And if he couldn’t get over to the Textile Sector to hang out with Abby, then Hadley would make a good alternative whenever he needed to talk.
“Danica,” Godrik greeted, staring at the face on his computer screen. The older woman smiled back at him.
“Hello Godrik. How’s he doing?” she asked, getting straight to business.
“He survived the first injection. His ability to memorize and comprehend information is off the charts,” he said excitedly. Danica smiled again.
“Well, let’s hope he’s the one. I can’t bear to do this again.” Godrik nodded in agreement.
“Do you think he suspects anything?”
Godrik shook his head. “No. He does have a lot of questions though. I think eventually I’ll have to tell him everything. This won’t work otherwise,” he said honestly.
“Soon Godrik, but not yet. Everything must come to light when the time is right,” she stated, “He still has a lot to overcome. We don’t want a repeat of what happened last time.”
“I know,” Godrik agreed. “This will work Danica, I know it.”
“I hope so Godrik.”
E than smiled as soft lips attached to his neck, kissing lovingly toward his collarbone. Glancing down, he met two bright green eyes staring back at him like vast pools of jade. He couldn’t make out the features of the face but his body was radiating with happiness. However, just as quickly as the joy appeared, it was taken away. The eyes staring at him were suddenly black and menacing.
He backed up until his body hit a wall. He searched from left to right, trying to decide which way to run but every direction was blocked off. That’s when he realized he was now in a glass box. He pounded on the clear walls, shouting for someone to let him out but instead he was faced with his captor. The man in white sauntered up to him and smiled wickedly. “It’s okay, don’t be scared.”
The boy continued his assault on the walls, attempting to break the glass, failing to do so. He was screaming for the man to release him but his pleas went unanswered. “Please let me go!” he yelled.
Exhaustion overpowered his body, causing him to fall to his knees. He spread his hands on the glass while he let his sweaty forehead fall forward. “Please,” Ethan begged. The man crouched down to Ethan’s eye level and smirked. “In time, my dear boy. All in good time.”
Ethan’s eyes opened suddenly, his throat gasping for air. His body strained and ached from the fierce hold he had on his bed sheets. He released his blanket and sat up, trying to slow his breathing, inhaling deeply in and out. He closed his eyes and remembered what Godrik said about dreaming and how normal it was.
It may be normal but Ethan wasn’t sure he liked it. Every night it happened, he woke up the same; frightened, exhausted and sweating. And worse, the dreams were happening more frequently and Ethan had no idea what to do. He tried not to think too much about it since his life was getting more complicated every day.
After the injection that Dr. Stevens administered, Ethan found himself learning faster and retaining information like never before. He could read thousands of pages with little effort and recite everything word for word. Ethan was many things but stupid was not one of them. He knew Godrik had done something to him but since the effects appeared to be positive, he decided to let it go for the time being. After all, they were simply vitamins, right?
Ethan groaned as he felt the sweat soaking through his shirt, choosing to take it off and throw the offending piece of clothing on the ground. He glanced at the nightstand and rolled his eyes when he realized it was the middle of the night. He always had a hard time falling back asleep and tonight would be no exception.
He let himself sink down onto the bed, sighing loudly when he hit the cold sheets. He closed his eyes and focused on the majestic green oculus featured in his dreams. The brilliant hue painted the many corners of his mind, temporarily allowing him to bring back the feeling he had of pure contentment. In that moment, he knew he would give anything to experience that feeling again in real life.
It had now been a few months into his new job and Ethan could honestly say that he loved it. Hadley was right, there was joy in their work. And he hadn’t run into Tyler; something he was very grateful for.
He was also learning at an alarming rate, making Godrik extremely happy. He still wasn’t sure why Connor was there since the man didn’t contribute much to the experiments they produced daily but it wasn’t his place to say anything. He did however treat the man with caution. There was something he didn’t trust about Connor.
Thankfully, some days were shorter than others and this one afforded Ethan some time to visit his best friend in the Textiles Sector. “Ethan!” the red head exclaimed as she jumped into his arms. He returned the hug, embracing her tightly as he grinned from ear-to-ear.
“Hey Abs.”
He released his friend, setting her down while still smiling brightly at her. “I missed you! Why haven’t you called? They don’t have video chat in the big fancy buildings?” she chastised. Ethan chuckled and regarded her fondly. He had really missed her.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been really busy,” he explained shamefully. He reached up to push a piece of wayward hair from Abby’s forehead. He noticed how long it was getting but the style suited her.
smiled at the familiar gesture and took his hand. The pair strolled down the street and into an open airy café, making their way up to the front. Each of them waved their wrists at the wall and perused the menu once it appeared.
Abby chose a roasted vegetable sandwich while Ethan opted for salmon stir fry over brown rice. After a few minutes, they took their meals to a table and sat down.
“Have you spoken to Caleb?” Ethan asked timidly. He had tried to video chat his friend but the calls always went unanswered. They had been friends for so long that the silence between them was strange and unwelcomed. Ethan missed his friend, plain and simple. Abby appeared sad as she answered.
“A few weeks ago. He’s good. He’s… learning a lot,” She smirked.
Ethan returned the smirk. Learning …sure.
“So, how’s life in the big glass tower?” Abby asked before taking a bite of her sandwich. Ethan had his fork up to his lips, paused, then returned the food back to the bowl. “It’s nice.”
Abby stopped chewing and tilted her head curiously at her friend.
“That’s it? It’s nice?” Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Yes, nice!” he answered with a mouth full of food. He knew he wasn’t allowed to discuss what he did with anyone outside of Godrik so he chose to change the subject. “How’s it going in Textiles? Have you made anything fun yet?” She paused before speaking.
“It’s okay. I haven’t actually created anything yet but I’m hoping I’ll get to design something soon.” Ethan nodded as she spoke. “Well, I’m sure once you do, it will be amazing,” he said reassuringly. He noticed that she wanted to say something but she seemed hesitant.
“What?” he asked. “It’s nothing.” She shook her head. “Come on Abby, you can tell me.” She peered around cautiously before she spoke.
“It’s just… some things at work don’t make sense. Like the other day, we finished a huge parcel of pants and I mentioned to my boss that I wanted a pair but she told me I couldn’t have them.” She leaned in closer as she continued.
“I thought it was strange since we always get first pick of the clothes, perk of the job, you know? Well I haven’t seen them since and I don’t know where they went.” Ethan thought about it for a minute before he replied.
“Maybe there was something wrong with them or they’re going to a particular Sector?” They weren’t very good reasons but Ethan couldn’t think of anything else. As far as anyone was concerned, the Textiles Sector made clothing for everyone in the city but maybe some Sectors got certain clothes, while others did not.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” she reasoned. Ethan smiled. “Of course, I’m right!” Abby rolled her eyes. “Please don’t tell me your job is going to your head!”
The pair laughed as they continued their conversation, switching to lighter topics while they finished their meals. Abby filled him in on the work gossip and what she was in the process of making. Ethan couldn’t contribute as much, since security was tight but he did tell her about his lunch outings with Hadley. He expected her to be upset but she was genuinely happy that he had a friend to talk to when she wasn’t available.
Once they were done, they got up and exited the café, heading toward the train station. The night was quiet and the cloudless sky was filled with stars, shining brightly above them. A breeze tickled Ethan’s skin like a cool whisper causing him to pull his sweater down over his hands.
As soon as they reached the station, Abby turned to Ethan and wrapped her skinny arms around his waist. “Don’t forget about me okay?” she asked solemnly. Ethan was surprised by her sudden sadness, pulling away to inspect her face. “I’ll never forget you Abby. You’re my best friend,” Ethan placated.
She smiled but Ethan still noticed the wetness in her eyes. “Hey, where is this coming from?” he asked. She shook her head, quickly wiping her cheeks.
“It’s silly but some of the girls I work with said you’d forget me since you’re so important now,” she sniffled. Ethan’s eyes widen. Why would they say that? He could never forget Abby, even if he tried.
“That’s not going to happen Abby. I promise.”
She seemed pleased to hear him say that and buried her head into his shoulder. He gently stroked her hair, hoping to ease her fears. Soon, the sound of the train forced them to step back and part ways.
“I’ll video chat you soon, yeah?” he offered. She nodded and smiled, giving him a small wave. Ethan boarded the train, looking back at his friend as the metro car sped away. As happy as he was to see her, he couldn’t help but feel uneasy about his friend’s behavior.
Abby had always been so confident and vibrant but suddenly her demeanor was apprehensive and unsure of herself. Most importantly, she was doubting her friendship with Ethan and that was something he wouldn’t stand for. He needed to make sure he was making time for his friends, no matter what.
As soon as he arrived back at his apartment, he had a message waiting for him from Godrik. He pressed play and proceeded to listen to his boss explain the process of gene splicing. Apparently, they were going to begin manipulating DNA strands very soon.
He mentioned sending Ethan another large file containing pertinent information about the gene splicing procedures they would be performing in the coming weeks. Ethan was excited mainly because this was his first chance to create something out of virtually nothing.
Gene splicing was a methodical technique that required years of study to perfect. They had to go deep inside the DNA structure of both specimens, picking and choosing which sequences could possibly bind harmoniously together. The result would be a totally new species that still maintained its own identity.
If the DNA merge worked, they could then theoretically begin cloning not just grains and vegetables but fish and possibly other proteins within weeks of the trials. A new species of fish had not been seen in hundreds of years, making this experiment crucial to the Technology Sector’s reputation.
Ethan pushed for the file to open and opted to take a shower while it downloaded. After he changed into his sleeping attire, he sat in front of the computer screen and read each data file. Per usual, there were hundreds of files to read but Ethan completed them all in less than two hours. He leaned back on the chair and closed his eyes, feeling apprehensive about going to sleep.
His dreams were happening almost every night and the emotions tied to them were getting stronger. He would wake up feeling physically ravaged, as if he were actually going through the torture of his dreams. He eyed his bed warily before deciding to go to sleep and hope for the best. However, that night, Ethan would have his worst dream yet.
He woke up in a panic, screaming at the top of his lungs. He raked his nails up and down his arms savagely, desperate to get the imaginary tubes out of his arms. He stopped to catch his breath and surveyed his hands and arms in shock. He had scratched them raw causing small droplets of blood to ooze out from right underneath the skin.
He cursed under his breath. Climbing out of the bed quickly, he made his way into the bathroom. He motioned for the faucet to activate and then stuck his injured arms under the cool water. He took a deep breath as the water ran into the broken skin, the pain jolting through his body. What was happening to him? He shook his head vigorously, trying to rid himself of the visions in his dream but it was nearly impossible. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath and then another and then another.
He waited for a few minutes until the water ran clear before removing his arms and wiping them clean. He winced from the pressure of the towel on his wounds, only pushing down when necessary. He dropped the towel on the floor and in that moment, he had never been so grateful for the cleaning service. He wondered what they must think of him leaving bloody towels and sweat soaked clothes but honestly that was the last thing on his mind.
He walked to the apartment’s central computer system and browsed the illuminated menu for antibacterial ointment. Once it was located, he ordered it and waited the few minutes it
took to be delivered. He saw the green light above the white cabinet in the kitchen glow, indicating a delivery. He shuffled over, retrieved the small black tube and immediately applied it, sighing loudly in relief.
The redness in his arms began to lighten, the product healing his wounds swiftly. It would take at least a day for his arms to return to normal but at least the pain was gone. He padded back into his bedroom and stopped short of his bed. He stared at it nervously, knowing he needed to go back to sleep but terrified of another dream. He eventually crawled under the covers, mindful of his arms, and closed his eyes.
He decided that maybe he should seek out Godrik’s help. Surely, he would know what to do since he also had dreams. Maybe Ethan was dreaming incorrectly? Or maybe Dr. Stevens would have a medication that could help Ethan sleep without the worry of unwelcomed visions? Regardless, Ethan resolved to speak to Godrik first thing in the morning. One thing was certain; Ethan couldn’t go on like this.
Ethan sat down nervously awaiting his boss’s grand entrance near the elevators. It was almost 9am and Godrik still wasn’t anywhere in sight, causing the dark-haired boy to worry even more. Godrik was never late and since his office was locked, Ethan assumed he wasn’t there. As he was about to ask someone for his whereabouts, the good doctor appeared before him, exiting a laboratory instead of the elevator.
Had he been there the whole time? Ethan didn’t get a chance to ask since the doctor was accompanied by a large man who stood easily a foot taller than him. He was in his late thirties with dark brown hair and an incredibly fit physique, flexing substantial biceps. Ethan didn’t miss the large scar on the man’s face when he glared at Godrik. His spirit appeared heavy and his eyes sang a melancholy song, sour and putrid. This man must have a few colorful stories to tell.